EA电源供应器和系统因其稳定的高品质而享有盛名。我们的品质管理系统,已通过DIN ISO 9001认证,并长期维持稳定的高水准,保证技术可靠性和极低的退货率。这起始于原材料入库,到整个生产过程,直至最后的品质控制。在最后测试过程中,所有EA生产的工业类产品都要经过“老化测试”
。该测试利用电量反馈型电子负载来操作,这样周围环境不仅不会有热量散发的影响,反而将所有测试设备产生的电流直接转化为230V AC电压,反馈给市电循环使用。.
Power supply systems
EA power supply units and systems are renowned for their constant high quality.A quality management system, certified under DIN ISO 9001 and maintained at a constant high level, guarantees technical reliability and an extremely low return rate. This begins at goods-in and continues through the complete production process to final control. Within the final testing all industrial units from EA undergo a „burn-in test“. Where possible these are carried out using an electronic load with energy recovery, so that the en-vironment is not simply impacted by heat emission, but rather the direct current, produced by all test units, is converted to 230V AC and fed back into the public supply.
配置举例 / Example configurations
例 1:
这个42U机柜,由10台3U高的电源组合而成,如PS 9000 ZH 3U系列。每台机的最大功率为15kW,则整个机柜的总功率将可达150kW。可获得高达5100A的大电流,能应用于电镀或焊接领域。
Example 1:
42U cabinet, equipped with 10 units of power supplies in 3U height, for example PS 9000 ZH3U series. With a maximum of 15kW per unit, the cabinet has a total power of 150kW. Highcurrents of up to 5100A can be used for electroplating or welding.
例 2:
这个42U机柜,由6台6U高的EL 9000 ZH电子负载组合而成。每台机的最大输入功率为7.2kW,则整个机柜的总功率可达43.2kW。可获得高达3600A的大电流,能应用于大容量电池的测试或其它高性能的电源产品上。
Example 2:
42U cabinet, equipped with 6 units of electronic loads EL 9000 ZH in6U height. With 7.2kW input power per unit, the cabinet can take a total power of 43.2kW. High currents of up to 3600A can be used to test high capacity batteries or other high performance power sources.
例 3:
这个42U机柜,由4台3U高的电源如PSI9000 ZH 3U系列,与4台6U高的EL 9000ZH 电子负载组合而成。这4台电源产品能提供20kW,40kW或60kW的功率,而这4台电子负载则可吸收高达28.8kW的输入功率。这种组合可应用于如两象限操作中。
Example 3:
Mixed configuration in a 42U cabinet,equipped with 4 units of power supplies in 3U height, for example PSI 9000 ZH 3U se-ries, and 4 units of electronic loads EL 9000ZH with 6U each. The four power supplies can provide 20kW, 40kW or 60kW power,while the four loads can take up to 28.8kW input power. This combination can be used for two-quadrants operation, for example.
应用举例 / Example applications
轮式33 U 机柜,配紧急关闭开关 4x PSI 9000 3U /33U cabinet on wheels, with emergency off and 4x PSI 9000 3U
直流输出端与 共享总线端 的高压接线图 “/High voltage wiring on the DC output and „Share bus“
带紧急关闭接触器的AC输入面板 /AC input panel with emergency off contactors
带水冷装置的混合机柜系统 /Mixed system with water cooling
带断路器的AC输入面板 /AC input panel with breakers